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Результаты поиска

  1. B

    Нарушители чата / Chat breakers

    1. Athenà 2. Антисквирт-uwowx100 3. I got scammed for 700k gold for an Antorus Heroic ''carry'' run and they continue trying to sell in world_ru scamming other people too.. 4. 5. scammer Denied. Design template in the theme header. Please note that edited content will not be accepted. Hurtful
  2. B

    Gameplay Exploiter

    https://www.wowhead.com/spell=20782/combat-experience this is the buff he is using.
  3. B

    Gameplay Exploiter

    Us who have been donating to the server find it very unfair and want anyone of u to do something about it.
  4. B

    Gameplay Exploiter

    So I've been in a Guild with a guy named Chickenstew. His Character names on uwowx100 are Unspecified & Ieatdicks. Me and others from his earlier Guild '' Never Lucky '' have been witnessing his exploiting in Mythic Raid. He did over 2m Single Target Dps as a Guardian Druid around 970...