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Item return

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Acc name Saitek253

Bought last day 1 legendary ring and 4 tier set 21 985 ilvl

Can i Return these items please?

If a fee is necesarry then its no problem

Please let me know



Команда форума
Hello. You can't refund them all. We usually help with accidental item donations (like missclicks and so on), but 5 items donation is not accidental.

If you want to return 1 item - I can help with that, just give me the link for this item from wowhead and you characters nickname. Legendary ring will be a wise choice.

Other 985 items you will be able to refund with 30% fee during a special promotion from July 15 to July 20.



Команда форума
Hello i dont know if i do it correctly here..but i hope its the right place

well if its possible to refound now the other 4 set pieces for 30% will be nice if not i will wait

and about the Legendary ring

Soul of the Archdruid

When i sayd missclick i meant that i was gonna buy the 975 returnable set to give a try on feral spec

but i bought the 985 one

And in futere if i buy a item from dala vendor how can i return it without bother you ? Can i do it from game?
Nickname Jokerdud

No, it's not possible. 985 items can be refunded only on specail promotions that we do 5-6 times a year. Sorry, but you'll have to wait.

Ring will be refunded within 72 hours. I have created ticket to head developer, as soon as he answers, I will wright back here.

And in futere if i buy a item from dala vendor how can i return it without bother you ? Can i do it from game?

You can return some items that have level lower then 985 by yourself to a specical return vendor in dalaran. BUT you can't return things like 985 items (promotion only return), learned mounts, inserted relics and transmog.

It is always better to test items you want on a test realm, where you can buy donation items for free and test them before donating on legion x100



Команда форума

I said: "Ring will be refunded within 72 hours" on 6 of June 16:45 (GMT+3). Right now is 8 of June 22:11 (GMT+3). Right now only 54 hours has passed, not 3 days.



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